Frequently Asked Questions
What sort of guarantees do you offer?
Yes. With EBUILD you’ll receive the best new home build guarantee around so you can feel comfortable that the job will done right. We’ll maintain constant communication with you throughout the build so you’re not left in the dark, ensure your home is built on time and to the agreed budget, as well as our team will be respectful and treat your home like our own. By using a Certified Builder you will also be eligible for a HALO Builders 10 year warranty for further peace of mind.
At what stage do I involve a builder?
This can vary with each person, some are willing to come up with a plan and design on their own and some are more than happy to have a builders expertise from the start. This can be a good idea, especially with new home builds as there tends to be complications and details that the professionals know. This can help in reducing price of the overall build as well as time.
How do I get started?
We already have plans, can you quote on these?
Do i need a licensed building practitioner (LBP)?
With certain projects that are restricted during a build you’ll need a LBP do complete the work. Work involving the building structure, weather tightness, and design of fire safety systems are all required to be completed from a Licensed Building Practitioner. This covers work that is critical to the integrity of a building, for example its envelope and structure. These changes were made to the Building Act 2004 and was brought in on March 2012.
Will I need a building consent?
The majority of building work requires consent, apart from exempt work. Each stage of the building process whether it be structural, roofing or even moving services they’ll all need a consent which is why involving a builder early is beneficial.
Do I need my builder to be a member of an association?
It is highly recommended. By using a member of CBANZ (Certified Builders of New Zealand) you ensure they are trade qualified and have suitable references. You’ll also be entitled to apply for the HALO Builders Guarantee which can be applied for on your behalf.
How can i keep my building project on budget?
At EBUILD we use a 295 point Quality Control Checklist so that we can ensure every detail of the build is done to the highest standard and nothing is left to chance. This also ensures the project runs on time and on budget. After all nothing will lesson the enjoyment of this process for you if costs start to run high. Of course with builds there are unforeseen circumstances or even changes that you may wish to add, this is why we’ll price up any changes you would like or that are needed prior to starting the work, this way you know how much it will cost and you won’t be surprised.
Do you build outside the Wellington area?
Should I request a fixed price or charge up?
A fixed price can give more certainty at the outset. However there is more than likely going to be certain “tagged” items of the build where a price can not be given, the price can usually not be confirmed until work begins.