There is a great deal involved in managing a house-building project, including major renovation projects. Whether you are managing the project yourself, or leaving it all to someone else, the main tasks include:
- Preliminaries:
- Arranging finance.
- Organising the design.
- Organising the builder and sometimes the subcontractors:
- Asking selected builders and/or subcontractors for prices or tenders to do the work.
- Selecting the form of contract that best suits your needs.
- Consents:
- Getting building consents (and resource consents if necessary).
- Managing construction:
- Arranging for subcontractors to be available when needed.
- Dealing with suppliers and making sure materials are ordered and delivered on time.
- Monitoring progress once work starts to make sure everything complies with the contract and consent documentation (including plans and specifications).
- Arranging for inspections by your own professionals, for example, the designer or architect.
- Arranging for inspections by the building inspectors at the end of each stage.
- Answering questions that arise during building, and clarifying anything in the construction documents with the contractors.
- Knowing when progress payments are due and checking claims for payment.
- Negotiating with the builder and subcontractors to come back and fix any work not completed or done properly.
- Processing variations and anything else that crops up along the way.
- Arranging amendments to the building consent where necessary.
- Arranging the final inspection for the code compliance certificate.
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